Sunday 25 December 2011

The Pilot, Introduction, Prologue or so on and so forth.

So what is this blog about and why should YOU read it? 

Well the first question is easy to answer, this blog is about my travels and experiences in EVE Online. All the fantastic things I've seen, the stupid things I've done, and the awesome people I've met. Why am I writing this? I want to share some of the interesting things in EVE and if anything encourage people to try out new things or maybe even try out EVE itself! Most of my posts will be half information and half my opinion on what ever the hell I'm writing about.

A bit about myself. I'm pretty much your average Joe in life, with a massive passion for EVE. In EVE I take on the persona of "Ordrun" and before you worry, I'm not going to go into an in-depth description of the dramatic (and possibly traumatic) back story. For those familiar with EVE, Ordrun is a combat pilot who used to do missions but now primarily doing incursions in my Machariel.

Why you should read this blog? Well I have no clue, maybe your bored, maybe EVE is down for maitenence and for that long half an hour, life goes at a snails pace, or maybe your just interested in EVE or learning something new about EVE. Its kind of up to you to decide (In my opinion it should be because of my sparkling personality (No Edward Cullen), skilled writing and fascinating content of my blog!

Well thats all for now folks, I'm going to go (oddly enough) play some EVE
Fly Safe